Yamaha – Tyre Warehouse Storage Solution Case Study
When you distribute bike tyres, Jet Skis, Golf Buggy’s, Motocross apparel, Outboard motors and more… how do you store it all? Simple! You call Macrack and have them design your warehouse to include tyre racks, Mezzanine floors, Heavy duty shelving and Pallet Racking, all working in unison to make an efficient and optimised warehouse.
Ficeda is a division of Yamaha that supplies Brisbane (and the rest of Australia) with the outdoor goods and equipment that every big boy at heart loves.
Warehouse Relocations
Macrack has been involved with Ficeda from their early days. They were based out of a Bundamba facility where they ran 3 separate warehouses for each of their product lines (as well as their branch in Wingfield South Australia). In the mid 2000’s they decided to merge their operations into a more central location and under one roof in Murrarie.
Macrack has relocated their large raised storage area which incorporates both shelving storage for their motor cycle accessories, racing appareal and motor cycle tyres. These racks were originally custom made for the job, and because they are still supplying the same product it was extremely beneficial that they could be removed and relocated to their new premise.
Universal Racking System
Thankfully Macrack’s universal racking system allows for our customers to be able to reconfigure their racks and adapt to new warehouses. So when you move premise you don’t have to throw out all your existing racking (which you have invested in), you can take it with your and utilise the system again, possibly in a different configurations! How amazing!
Growth and Expansion
The challenge to improve the storage capacity within their warehouse is ongoing as their range of stock is forever increasing. Macrack is part of that procedure continually providing improved designs for materials storage, as their stock evolves over time and increases in quantity.
Storing 200 tyres may seem like a lot (when they started out), but when the range exponentially grows into 6,000 you need to start thinking on another scale. Storing a few tyres on the ground may be fine for smaller companies, but when you are dealing with this much stock, you need to invest in Tyre racks.
Tyre Racks
Tyres racks store tyres in pallet racking derived frames and beams, in a fashion much like a book case. The tyres sit upright which allows for maximum use of the space, as well as easy allow staff to locate and identify brands and sizes. Yamaha Ficeda have cleverly incorporated their tyre racks into a raised storage area, essentially doubling their picking area and the amount of tyres able to be held at any one time.
Custom Golf Cart Storage
Do you have a square peg? And all you see are round holes? Well, try storing Golf carts in pallet racking!
Macrack are able to customise their systems to fit items that are not conventional. Since we manufacture pallet racking and all our other storage systems in Brisbane, we are able to easily and affordably tailor solutions to your needs. So when you ask for ‘golf carts’ to be stored, we don’t scratch our heads and think ‘how’, we think ‘how many’.